Frameworks Scotland 3: Service Overview
Frameworks Scotland 3 is not just a construction solution. A key benefit is the diverse range of management and construction services it can offer.
The PSCPs act as ‘solution providers’ and can offer a wide and diverse range of services including but not limited to:
- Strategic Planning;
- Feasibility Studies;
- Service Planning and Reconfiguration reviews;
- New build schemes;
- Programmes of backlog maintenance, statutory compliance and risk reduction works
- Refurbishment schemes;
- Infrastructure upgrades including roads, services, car parks etc.
The following parties are framework customers entitled to call off the framework:- NHSScotland Health Boards, Special Health Boards, and other NHS organisations operating in Scotland which are defined as any other organisations involved in the provision of health / social care or health / social care related services in Scotland including those working with or on behalf of the above NHSScotland bodies including, without limitation, entities which are involved in the funding and / or operation of health and social care facilities, universities, charities and local authorities, as nominated by the relevant Health Board. These bodies may act individually or collectively when calling off the framework.
Consultant Frameworks:
There are Frameworks for the following consultants:
- Construction Health & Safety / Construction Design Management (CDM) Advisor; ranked / direct
- Cost Advisor;
- Healthcare Planner;
- Lead Advisor;
- Project Manager;
- Supervisor.
The above services can be used by NHS Board or permitted organisation to support their in-house project teams, particularly providing expertise from the Cost Advisor and Project Manager frameworks in respect of the NEC4 form of contract.
The Construction Health & Safety / Construction Design Management (CDM) Advisor framework takes a different approach to Call-Off than the other consultancy frameworks. NHS Boards are able to use one of two Call-Off processes, namely; (a) direct Call-Off via a ranking system or (b) Call-Off via a mini-competition process. The ranking system allows NHS Boards to directly appoint the first ranked consultant on the Construction Health & Safety / CDM Framework to their project to undertake the role of Construction Health & Safety / CDM Advisor. This method of direct Call-Off on projects is available to be utilised on projects up to a value of £1 million pounds.
Where the first ranked consultant has advised the NHS Board that they cannot fulfil the role of advisor on the particular project (for example where the number one ranked consultant is unable to fulfil the appointment due to other project commitments) the NHS Board are required to go to the second or then the third ranked consultant. For all projects over a value of £1m, the NHS Board will follow the mini-competition Call-Off Process set out in Schedule Part 5 of the Framework Agreement with all the Construction Health & Safety / CDM Advisor consultants.
The Healthcare Planner framework provides the facility for NHS Board or permitted organisation to appoint Healthcare Planners to advise on all aspects of the development of a clinical strategy, from Local Delivery Plan level through to detailed briefing information, if required.
The framework is split into two Lots and facilitates appointment of healthcare planners to work at a strategic level and also to support the development of project healthcare planner inputs.
Consultant healthcare planning can support NHSScotland in whole system service led proposals focused on health well-being and also assist efficient service delivery within health facilities.
The primary focus of Lot One is to provide services:-
– Estate Wide;
– Territorial Board Wide;
– Regionally and
– Nationally basis.
It is envisaged that much of this work will be strategic and whole system focused. This will be prior to the development or commencement of individual projects. It is anticipated that call off will be at a National, Regional or Territorial Level, where there are client bodies working together for strategic purposes one NHSScotland Organisation will act as the lead client body in contract with the Strategic / Whole System Healthcare Planning consultancy.
The primary focus of Lot Two is to provide services that primarily support the initiation of individual projects and programmes at strategic assessment and early project initiation stages onwards. There may be requirements for healthcare planning prior to specific projects being initiated, therefore call off is not necessarily linked to the call off of other parties. As a project team widens, a consultant healthcare planner can play an integral role in the project team.
The Lead Advisor framework offers an alternative and more streamlined professional advisor appointment mechanism for framework customers to utilise for smaller scale or less complex projects, many of which will relate to smaller refurbishment and / or backlog maintenance work potentially across a variety of procurement routes which are not necessarily Frameworks Scotland 3 projects.
This framework is a “one stop shop” service covering the roles of Cost Advisor, Project Manager, Supervisor and brief writing. The Lead Advisor may also undertake technical building inspections and building surveys (inclusive of all six facets) in accordance with the NHSScotland Property Appraisal Manual to assist in the development of Property and Asset Management Strategies (PAMS). These inspections / surveys will also be used to inform backlog maintenance requirements and scope projects comprising programmes of risk reduction, statutory compliance and refurbishment works.
The Lead Advisor is required to be conversant with all procurement routes used to deliver NHSScotland projects. The role of Lead Advisor also requires a detailed understanding of current NHSScotland design and technical guidance documentation together with statutory compliance requirements.
Frameworks Scotland 3 offers a great deal of flexibility in terms of the level of service provided, depending on when the consultant becomes involved. Based on the project’s objectives, constraints and level of complexity, a key consideration will be how early to engage with the consultants.
The consultant frameworks can be utilised by NHS Board or permitted organisation to support their in-house project teams, particularly providing expertise from the Cost Advisor, Lead Advisor, Project Manager and Supervisor frameworks in respect of the NEC4 form of contract.
Consultants are typically appointed prior to the appointment of the PSCP at Outline Business Stage (OBC), however, these can be earlier in the process dependent on the needs of the NHS Board or permitted organisation and stage of the project. This is particularly the case with appointment of the Lead Advisor who can provide support at the earliest stages of a project.
In addition to work relating to projects to be delivered under the Frameworks Scotland 3 construction framework, consultants will be available for a range of publicly funded new build construction and refurbishment programmes of backlog maintenance and risk reduction work, statutory compliance and business continuity related works which will be delivered in respect of health, social care and other facilities and not necessarily delivered under Frameworks Scotland 3.
In relation to projects to be conducted under the Frameworks Scotland 3 construction framework, consultants can act for delivery partners appointed to Frameworks Scotland 3 but will not be permitted to represent both NHS Board or permitted organisation and PSCP on any “scheme contract” under Frameworks Scotland 3. The exception to this will be the role of Cost Advisor, where it is the intention to promote the role of Joint Cost Advisor following the success of this initiative on Frameworks Scotland and Frameworks Scotland 2.