Buchan + Associates (B+A) was established 25 years ago and has grown into one of the UK’s most dynamic specialist healthcare consultancy practices able to offer a full range of services across the complete spectrum of health and social care service delivery. Their dedicated team, who are all based in Scotland, bring real world-class experience in:

  • System-wide health and social care planning
  • Policy / guidance development & implementation
  • Hospital, health & social care briefing, design and master-planning
  • Schedule of accommodation development and review
  • Service / facility capacity and demand modelling and scenario planning
  • Estates / facilities data collection and analysis
  • Strategic option appraisal in support of clinical, property and asset planning
  • Capital planning, asset management & investment / dis-investment prioritisation
  • Business case development including option appraisal and review
  • Leadership, organisational development and change management
  • Use of technology and digital in health and social care
  • Constructive, intelligent clinical and service challenge
  • Service redesign, process and performance improvement
  • Lean and SixSigma improvement methodology and training
  • Model of care improvement and implementation support

Working in partnership with Health Boards, local authorities, technical teams, private partners and government, B+A brings together its experience of healthcare planning, extensive knowledgebase of health & social care strategy, facility management, practice developments and processes to ensure that service and facility provision are safe, efficient, appropriately sized / located, person focused and aligned.

B+A’s core team of specialist health and social care consultants come from a diverse range of backgrounds. All have extensive strategic, clinical and operational experience, in health and social care, strategic planning, finance as well as service modernisation and redesign.

The team also has access to an extensive network of associates and collaborating organisations providing in-depth expertise in specific areas such as individual clinical specialties, digital health capability and workforce planning.

Clients include a wide range of public and private sector organisations from throughout the UK and internationally, allowing them to draw upon a wide range of experience that they are keen to share in support of their primary corporate objective; ensuring that investment always optimises improvement.


Iain Buchan
Tel: 01436 679100
Email: info@buchanassociates.com

Further information

Website: www.buchanassociates.com
Twitter: @buchanassociate

Linked news and case studies

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