Frameworks Scotland 3: The role of Health Facilities Scotland
Like both its predecessors, the new framework is a significant change from the traditional methods of capital procurement, therefore the Frameworks Scotland 3 Capital Projects Team are instrumental in supporting NHS Boards or permitted organisations and provide impartial advice and guidance on a range of matters involving the Supply Chain Partners and will assist the NHS Board or permitted organisation in establishing the most appropriate application of both consultant and Principal Supply Chain Partner (PSCP) input.
As overall Frameworks Manager, Health Facilities Scotland (HFS) should be consulted at the earliest stages of project planning. This ensures that Capital Projects Advisors are available, if and when required, to assist the development of a robust strategy which is informed by the views of both the NHS Board or permitted organisation and the wider experience of the Capital Projects Team. To enable projects to obtain the best possible start, a clear procurement strategy is required. This can be developed by the NHS Board or permitted organisation with support from the Capital Projects Advisor, prior to the appointment process beginning. Early liaison with HFS is therefore recommended.
The team has an in-depth knowledge of the framework and are available to provide a wide range of technical and professional advice to NHS Board or permitted organisation project teams throughout Scotland if and when required. They also provide a conduit of information across Scotland and encourage best practice to be shared throughout. The team are responsible for the successful implementation of the framework and provide a single point of contact for all NHS Boards or permitted organisations.
HFS provide the following Frameworks Scotland 3 support:
- project advice from Capital Projects Advisors;
- supporting NHS Board or other permitted organisation in the selection of a Principal Supply Chain Partner (PSCP) or consultants;
- overall management of the PSCP and consultant frameworks;
- dedicated central team to administer the programme;
- technical advice on the scheme contracts and other aspects of the framework;
- performance management of the PSCP and consultants;
- impartial advice;
- guidance tools;
- advice and assistance for equipment selection and procurement
The Capital Projects Advisor will maintain a relationship with the NHS Board or permitted organisation and project team throughout the lifetime of the project, providing assistance as required.
Throughout the duration of the particular framework, the team will contribute to and participate in training programmes as and when required.
In order to support the measurement of performance across the framework, HFS requires framework users to provide Key Performance Indicator (KPI) information, including time, cost and quality assessments. This will enable high level performance information to be provided to those NHS Board or other permitted organisation seeking to appoint from the framework in the future.
A Frameworks Scotland 3 Steering Group is established, chaired by HFS. This group is made up of representatives from the PSCPs. Its main focus is to ensure collaboration across Frameworks Scotland 3 to improve value and performance through sharing best practice and learning through experience.
Further Frameworks Scotland 3 groups established include a Commercial Sub-Group which drives forward value for money (VFM) and shared cost savings, together with consultant specific forums which drive forward shared learning and promote quality, best practice and collaborative working across the framework.
Further initiatives driven forward and promoted by Frameworks Scotland 3 include Building Information Modelling (BIM) and joint Project Bank Accounts.
It is important that the frameworks are used correctly and in a uniform manner and that there are no local changes to contract templates and associated documents without prior consultation with HFS. Failure to meet this requirement will weaken the framework.