Thomson Gray

Thomson Gray are an independent construction consultancy providing our clients with a range of services across the property and construction industry. Our client focussed approach is dedicated to adding value to clients’ construction and property activities. With offices in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Melrose, Aberdeen and Inverness, Thomson Gray provide extensive geographical coverage to Health Boards throughout Scotland with a compliment of over 40 professional and technical staff.

Our team of professionals have successfully delivered multiple new build and refurbishment projects throughout Scotland for both private and public-sector healthcare providers. Thomson Gray have developed an enviable track record of achievement, and are fully conversant with the processes, challenges and strategies to delivering successful healthcare projects throughout the UK.

Our Project Managers and Cost Advisors are fully conversant with Scottish Capital Investment Manual (SCIM) guidance, and as such, have assisted Health Boards and Trusts through Strategic Assessments, Initial Agreement, Outline and the Full Business case process. Our Building Surveying team have successfully delivered EAMS surveys right across Scotland to assist the Boards with their annual PAMS reports.

St John's Hospital

St John’s Hospital

Critical Services Upgrade, Raigmore Hospital, Inverness, NHS Highland

Critical Services Upgrade, Raigmore Hospital, Inverness, NHS Highland

Thomson Gray have accumulated extensive market intelligence on healthcare projects. This is enabling us to generate substantial cost and programme advantages for the NHS: our Clients, through our comprehensive database of costs, sub-contractors and specialists, built up during the currency of various appointments thorough different procurement routes.

We have worked on numerous types of projects from repair and replacement backlog maintenance, to refurbishments in live hospital environments, and new build major acute hospital facilities.  We are well versed on working with various contract types and procurement routes including capital funded projects through the Health Facilities Scotland (HFS) Frameworks / Procure 21, as well as revenue funded contracts through Hub procurement initiatives or NPD / PFI type arrangements.

Health Centre, East Kilbride, NHS Lanarkshire

Health Centre, East Kilbride, NHS Lanarkshire

Royal Hospital for Children & Young People, Edinburgh, NHS Lothian

Royal Hospital for Children & Young People, Edinburgh, NHS Lothian

Thomson Gray have a dedicated in-house team of CDM Consultants, with a substantial range of experience in the provision of CDM-related services across healthcare and many other sectors. The company is a Registered practice, with qualified team members hold IMaPS (Incorporated Members of the Association for Project Safety) status, having successfully managed the transition to CDM 2015. Thomson Gray understand practical construction issues in relation to the Health, Safety and Welfare of workers carrying out construction, demolition, renovation and maintenance and are familiar with all aspects of the design process.

Our healthcare experience is extensive, and we are now recognised as one of the leading construction consultancies in this sector; Thomson Gray now provide Principal Designer services directly to projects, as well as undertaking advisory roles to both Clients and PD’s. We have a team of professionals with established and considerable strengths, arguably the very best in their respective fields, who have successfully delivered a significant variety of Healthcare projects for Health Boards across Scotland.

A sample of our most recent healthcare-related CDM consultancy appointments includes:

  • NHS Highland – Critical Services Upgrade, Raigmore Hospital, Inverness
  • NHS Highland – National Treatment Centre (Highland), UHI Campus
  • NHS Lothian – Infrastructure upgrade, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh
  • NHS Lothian – Renal Dialysis, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh
  • NHS Lothian – Haematology Reprovision, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh
  • NSS – New warehouse acquisitions


Ged Gowans
t: 0131 226 5076

Stuart Deans
t: 07581 186 392

Thomson Gray are currently appointed on HFS consultancy frameworks as Cost Advisors, providing commercial and financial support to NHS Boards undertaking construction projects. The scope of service can vary widely according to individual client requirements however their role typically includes:

  • Strategic and financial support during the Business Case process;
  • Early and accurate estimation of total development cost;
  • Potential “Joint Cost Advisor” role;
  • Principal Supply Chain Partner (PSCP) appointment support;
  • Procurement and Cost Management expertise from inception through to construction completion;
  • NEC expertise and client advice; and,
  • Prompt final account agreement.

Thomson Gray’s healthcare experience is extensive and we are now recognised as one of the leading construction consultancies in this sector. We have a team of professionals with established and considerable strengths, arguably the very best in their respective fields, who have successfully delivered a significant variety of Healthcare projects for Health Boards across Scotland.

A sample of our most recent Cost Advisor appointments includes:

  • New Build National Treatment Centre Highland at Inverness Campus for NHS Highland
  • Infrastructure Zone 2 – Ninewells Hospital for NHS Tayside
  • Refurbishment of emergency department – St John’s Hospital for NHS Lothian
  • Covid 19 Support for HFS
  • New build Short Stay Elective Centre – NHS Lothian
  • Critical Services Upgrade at Raigmore Hospital – NHS Highland
  • Programme of Works Western General Hospital (various refurbishment and new build projects) NHS Lothian
  • Commercial review of Framework Projects – HFS


Ross Lovatt 
t: 0131 226 5076

Thomson Gray are currently appointed on the HFS consultancy frameworks as Lead Advisors, providing a wide range of roles for Health Boards undertaking construction or construction related commissions. The scope of service can vary significantly according to individual client requirements however the role typically includes:

  • Single point of responsibility to Health Boards on Construction Contracts;
  • Combined Cost Advisor, Project Manager, and NEC Supervisor role;
  • Bespoke service offering for individual work streams;
  • Utilisation of Supply Chain to offer extended and unique consultancy services;
  • Building Condition Survey Work;
  • Streamlined Backlog Maintenance Project and Programme Management; and,
  • Building Structural and M&E surveys, reports and contract administration on refurbishment projects. 

Lead Advisor Updates

Our healthcare experience is extensive, and we are now recognised as one of the leading Scottish construction consultancies in this sector. We have a team of professionals with established and considerable strengths, arguably the very best in our respective fields, who have successfully delivered a significant variety of Healthcare projects for Health Boards across Scotland.

A sample of our most recent Lead Advisor appointments includes:

  • NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde – Merchiston Site Disposal, Johnstone
  • NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde – Beatson Entrance
  • NHS Highlands – Centre for Health Sciences II
  • NHS National Services Scotland – Golden Jubilee Design Review
  • NHS National Services Scotland – Grampian Elective Design Review     
  • NHS National Services Scotland – Distribution Warehouses, Eurocentral
  • NHS National Services Scotland – Phases 6-13 EAMS Condition Surveys
  • NHS National Services Scotland – GP Surgeries Condition Surveys
  • NHS National Services Scotland – General Consultancy Support
  • NHS National Services Scotland – Louisa Jordan Consultant Cost Verification
  • NHS National Services Scotland – Covid Claims Verification
  • NHS Lothian – St Johns & Princess Alexandra Eye Pavilion Master planning
  • NHS Lothian – Western General Energy Infrastructure- Path to Zero Carbon
  • The State Hospital – Security Infrastructure


Ken Fraser
t: 0141 406 7434

As a core service within Thomson Gray’s offering, our experienced team offers an innovative yet practical approach to project management on Health Care projects. All projects present unique challenges and complexities; therefore our team aim to tailor management support services to meet our clients goals and objectives.

From inception to completion our project managers have the necessary skills to communicate, manage and lead on complex projects to ensure that projects are completed on time and to budget, whilst giving confidence that we will always work for our client’s best interests. Our services include:

  • Full PM Delivery Service;
  • Client Representative;
  • Contract Administration;
  • Funders Representative;
  • Employers Agent;
  • Performance Management / Best Practice Reviews; and,
  • NEC3 & NEC4 Accredited Project Managers.

Thomson Gray’s Project Managers have been involved in the following projects: 

  • NHS Tayside Critical Care
  • NHS Tayside Cancer Care
  • NHS Fife Orthopaedic Elective
  • NHS Fife VHK Boiler Removal
  • NHS Fife VHK Cradle Replacement
  • NHS Fife QMH Steam Decentralisation Project Phase 1
  • NHS Fife QMH Steam Decentralisation Project Phase 2
  • NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde – New Radionuclide Dispensary, Gartnavel Hospital
  • NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde – Ward Refurbishment Programme of Works, Gartnavel Hospital


Ian MacGregor
t: 0131 226 5076

Further information


Linked news and case studies

Thomson Gray appointed to Phases 11 to 13 Physical Condition Surveys

Thomson Gray are delighted to have been appointed by Health Facilities Scotland, following competitive tender, to carry out Phases 11 to 13 of the physical condition surveys of NHS hospitals, health centres, and other properties throughout Scotland over the next 3...

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